Surveil Web UIΒΆ

The Surveil Web UI is a web interface for Surveil.

package name (RPM) surveil-webui
required services httpd.service
Default port 80
configuration (global) /etc/surveil-webui/config.json
configuration (user config) /etc/surveil-webui/default_user_config.json

surveil-webui implements the Surveil API. It needs access to the Surveil API endpoint and Grafana. By default, it is packaged with a reverse proxy in /etc/http/conf.d/surveil:

ProxyPass /surveil/surveil/v2/auth/ http://localhost:5311/v2/auth/
ProxyPassReverse /surveil/v2/auth/ http://localhost:5311/v2/auth/

ProxyPass /surveil/surveil/ http://localhost:5311/
ProxyPassReverse /surveil/surveil/ http://localhost:5311/

RequestHeader set GRAFANA-USER "admin"
ProxyPass /surveil/grafana/ http://localhost:3000/
ProxyPassReverse /surveil/grafana/ http://localhost:3000/