Components of a container


Show all information pf a Surveil objects
    "type": "info",
    "attributes": {
        "inputSource": {
            "MyTileTitle": "myInputSource"
MyTileTitle (required)
Tile of the tile
key of the var fillParams inside container.js file .This key select the type of object in the tile

host main

Show inside a tile the address and the alias of a host
    "type": "host-main",
    "attributes": {}

host live

Show inside a tile the host state, its output and it’s state icon
    "type": "host-live",
    "attributes": {}

host load

Show inside a tile the load metrics state, its output and it’s state icon for an host
    "type": "host-load",
    "attributes": {}

host cpu

Show inside a tile the cpu metrics state, its output and it’s state icon for an host
    "type": "host-cpu",
    "attributes": {}

host service list

Show inside a tile the service description, its acknowledge and its status for all service hosts
    "type": "host-services-list",
    "attributes": {}

service main

Show inside a tile the host attached to a service
    "type": "service-main",
    "attributes": {}

service live

Show inside a tile the service state, its output and it’s state icon
    "type": "service-live",
    "attributes": {}

service info

Show inside a tile the service description, its acknowledge and its status
    "type": "service-info",
    "attributes": {}

service graphs

Show a grafana graph for each service metric
    "type": "service-graphs",
    "attributes": {}