Monitoring a host with passive checks

Surveil allows for both passive monitoring and polling. In this guide, we will be creating a host and send passive check results.

0. Creating the host and service

With the Surveil CLI:

surveil config-host-create --host_name passive_check_host --address
surveil config-service-create --host_name passive_check_host --service_description passive_check_service --passive_checks_enabled 1 --check_command _echo --max_check_attempts 4 --check_interval 5 --retry_interval 3 --check_period "24x7" --notification_interval 30 --notification_period "24x7" --contacts admin --contact_groups admins
surveil config-reload

1. Sending check results

With the Surveil CLI:

surveil status-submit-check-result --host_name passive_check_host --service_description passive_check_service --output "Hello!" --return_code 0

2. Consulting the status of your host

With the Surveil CLI:

surveil status-service-list